3 Things To Do Before You Install Your Pool

Are you planning to install a pool on your property? A pool can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, spend more time with friends and family, and possibly increase the value of your home. However, a pool is also a big undertaking. If anything goes wrong during the installation process, your schedule could be delayed and you could face added expenses. It's important that you're fully prepared for installation before your contractor begins work. Here are three items you should take care of before you start the installation process:

Get your financing nailed down. Maybe your fortunate enough to pay cash for your pool. If you're not, though, you need to make sure you have your financing straight before work begins. There was a time when it was relatively easy to get loans for pools because it was assumed that the pool would increase the value of the home. Now, though, banks and other lenders may look at that line of thought with more scrutiny. If you have a conditional pre-approval on your loan, make sure it is fully approved and that the loan will go through. The last thing you would want is for financing to fall apart when the yard is already dug up.

Arrange for waste disposal. You're going to have a lot of soil, grass, and other materials excavated from your yard during the installation process. It's possible that your pool contractor will remove all of this from your property. However, it's also possible that the contractor is only handling the installation and that you're responsible for cleanup. If that's the case, you'll want to make these arrangements as soon as you can. If you wait until dirt is piling up in your backyard, you may find that a hauling company can't get out to your house immediately. That could leave you with a big mess that's ugly and inconvenient.

Schedule a land survey. Your local government probably has regulations about how close the pool can be to the property line and whether there needs to be a fence around the pool. To make sure you're within regulations, you'll likely need a survey. The survey can tell you exactly where your property lines are so you can place the pool and the fence appropriately. You may be surprised to learn that your actual property lines are slightly different than what you had always assumed. It's better to learn this now rather than after your pool is already installed.

For more information, contact Krause & Gantzer or a similar organization.
